Programming the TelosB
> Previous installation guide can be found here: Getting TinyOS to work on Linux using TelosB
USB connection
It is pretty hard to debug on the TelosB since it doesn’t have a native interface to read debug messages. It is possible to use the LED’s but they don’t show much. The TelosB has three LED’s and can only turn on or off, so the possibilities are limited.
Let’s try and set up a serial USB connection between the device and the computer, so we can read the debug messages on the screen.
To start go to the TinyOS folder and make a new folder inside apps.
Inside the folder we need 3 documents.
Open the Makefile in your favorite editor.
And add the following code
Before we get into sending data over serial, let’s setup a simple program that makes the LED blink. This is for us to see if the program actually works and for us to know if the timer is fired. When the timer is fired we should send data over serial and see the LED blink.
In the file let’s setup the componenets needed.
What we do here is just to declare the normal componenets needed (Main for boot, Leds for LED and USBC for the rest of the program).
In the file we need a few more things.
First we need to include our timer interface and setup the modules needed.
After that we can add the rest of our implementation
What we do here is first to define a `SAMPLING_FREQUENCY` so we are sure we send data at the same frequency. Then we create a boolean to check if the LED is on or not. We also have an event that checks if the TelosB has booted up, if it has, then we start the timer.
Based on the timer we can check if the LED is on or not and then turn it off. Pretty simple stuff and it is easy to test out.
To compile and run the program, connect the TelosB to your USB stick and run:
> Remember to be root!
You should now see a blinking green LED on the board.
Next let’s add a few extra things to the program. In the file we need two new components.
After adding these, let’s bind them to their controls.
That’s enough for this file, but before we move on to the file we need a few one.
When we send a message over serial we need an structure for the message to be send as. So let’s create a new file and add a few things.
In the file add the following:
What we do here is to create a new struct that contains a node ID and the value we want to send. I want this applicaiton to end up sending the temperature, so I call the other variable for temp.
Back to the file we need two new interfaces and an include.
In the implementation we also need a few new variables:
In the Boot event we need to start an AMControl function which is part of the SplitControl interface. This is done so we can actually send data over the serial port. If we don’t start this nothing will happen and our program will hand and be busy all the time.
Next we need a task to send the data to the computer.
What we do here is first to check if the sender is busy, if it is we won’t try and send anything new. Then we create the message as a pointer of type TemptoUartMsg (remember the struct we made before?). Then we populate the struct with our data, first we take the node ID, then the counter value.
Next we check if the call to send the value is sucessful and if it is then we say that the program is busy.
To make sure the program knows when it is not busy anymore we add a sendDone event.
To send the data, let’s modify our `Timer.fired` from earlier.
This time we check if the program is not busy, then we increment the counter and send the data to the computer.
The program actually works now, but the compiler complains before we added the last two events.
When compiling there shouldn’t be any problems.
Afterwards go to
and run
You should now see a series of data like
Where the last couple of digits in each row is the hex value of the counter.
Temperature sensor
With the USB connection up and running let’s try and get it to read the temperature and then send that data to the computer.
First we need to get access to the SensirionSht11C sensor. We can do that by adding it as a component in the file.
We also need to connect it to our file which can be done by
In the file we add a new interface:
We also need a new variable to store the temparature in, so let’s add another uint16_t:
In the end we need a new event called TempRead.readDone.
And we finish off with changing counter to temparature.
The program should now output the temperature in Hex and look something like:
This probably looks like rubbish but the last two digits are the acutal temperature. When looking at `19 A6`, and converting it from hex to decimal we get `6566`. This then needs to be converted to the actual temperate in celcius which can be done using `-39.60+0.01*6566` which gives us `26.06C`, which in turn can be converted to fahrenheit by doing `26.06*1.8+32`, which is `79.88F`.
Next up we can try and look at how to intercept the data from the TelosB to a java program and convert the temperature on the go.