From my previous post, I am using a docker folder structure like `/home/<username>/Docker/<container>` to store my data and docker-compose files. So first make the Portainer folder
Next we take the basic template from before and setup our Portainer container.
So a few things I learned while setting up Portainer is that, in my last post, all my containers (traefik and whoami) were in the same docker-compose file. Therefore they used the same network interface. This isn’t true anymore as Portainer has its own file and we need to create a seperate network for all the containers to use together.
To make a new network run
I just call it `webproxy` because it is a proxy for my web-services.
We can now change the old traefik+whoami docker-compose file to look like this
As you can also see, I have commented out the port setting of the traefik container. This is done because I don’t want it to be accessible on `http://domain.com:8080`. I want it to be available exclusively on `https://traefik.domain.com`.
Going back to the Portainer file from above, I have made a few changed as seen here
Now we can start the container using `docker-compose up -d` and access it (after a minute or two) at `portainer.domain.com` First setup a username and password and then login.
I like to keep a simple daily backup of my Portainer data, so I can restore it if anything happens. Portainer doesn’t really store anything besides your login information, but I still like to have a backup. Like my folder `~/Docker`, I am creading a Backup folder in the same location.
Inside there, I want folders like my docker folder, so let us create a Portainer folder.
The script is a very simple bash script that backs up the data folder every day at 4am.
First we set up the environment and create two variables. `NOW` is a string like `20181017-0400` and `CURPATH` is just the current working path we want to use. Then we create a folder at the path with the date-name. Using `rsync` we copy the data from our Portainer folder to the backup folder.
In order to use the script we need to make it executabel
Since some of the files are protected, we need to use `sudo` to run the script. In order to run it automatically, set up a cron job
Add a line like
Here we want to execute the script every day at 4:00am
Restoring is just as simple.
If you moved your backup to another server or need to restore the date to another server, just use `scp` to move the data.